How to Apply A Burgundy Lace Front Wig

A closeup view of a section of glossy straight red hair in a wavy style - 3D render

Suddenly, every wig lover wants to own a burgundy lace front wig! If you do not already have your lace front wig in the burgundy color, then maybe you don’t get easily pressured. These days when you go on with daily activities, it seems as though there is no other color for lace front wigs except burgundy. Surprisingly, when lace front wigs were new, the primary color was black.

Lace front wigs are without a doubt one of the most popular wig options in wide use today. These wigs are not only beautiful, but the lace material at the front also makes them assume a natural position. After wearing the lace front wig, even you may start to doubt whether you’re actually wearing a wig or not. That’s why most people wear lace front wigs.

The burgundy color is unique, noticeable, and beautiful, any day, anytime. When you dye your natural hair in this color, it gives you this fierce yet gentle look. Having a burgundy lace front wig is an added advantage, not just because you’ll look beautiful but because the wig will look natural. It will now combine the natural appearance of a lace front wig with the ever-beautiful burgundy color. However, to wear a burgundy wig nicely, you need to wear it properly. Here’s how to apply the burgundy wig well;

Step 1: prepare your head

Before you can wear a burgundy wig and any wig at all, your head should be prepared. The first preparation is to ensure you don’t react to any chemicals that may be used to fix the hair. After confirming your skin test, you need to ensure your natural hair doesn’t get in the way of the wig. As much as possible, style your hair into a flat surface, so it doesn’t disturb the wig. You can even use a gel or any other conditioner to ensure it stays down. After that, you can wear a wig cap to ensure all hair parts remain flat.

Step 2: test the wig on your head

Before you start applying chemicals to keep your burgundy lace front wig in place, you need to know if the hair will fit your hair. To do this, all you need to do is wear the wig and adjust it till it works. If your wig doesn’t fit and it has adjustable straps, you can still fix it, but if the straps aren’t adjustable, you’ll need to change the wig.

Step 3: apply the wig

Once you’re sure that the wig will fit, you can start its application. The first step is to remove the excess lace material in front so it aligns with your hairline. Next is to get the adhesive or tape you want to hold the wig firmly. Apply the tape or adhesive along your natural hairline, both in front and behind. After that, you can put the wig on, adjust till it’s comfortable and press it on the adhesive.


Applying a burgundy lace front wig requires a lot of patience and careful steps. You don’t want to make a mistake with any of the steps discussed above. That’s why we advise you to contact your hairstylist to help with your wig application.


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