The Two Main Working Principles of an Air Purifier


Air purifiers come in a variety of forms, shapes, and sizes to serve different purposes. They can be used to rid objects of pet hair or fur, to eliminate dust, dust mites, and mold, among other components. Also, if you are a pet enthusiast and must have it in your home, visit the CleanForce Air website for the best air purifier for pets. In this post, we dive into the main working principles of air purifiers.

Working Principles of Air Purifiers

Air Cleaners have a main working principle that involves the motor, fan, and filtration unit. Both the motor and fan work together to move the air through the machine. The polluted air is filtered within the unit, and almost all particles are removed and gases or odors absorbed. The two working principles are;

1. Filter Screen Purification Principle

The principle is also referred to as the purification principle of mechanical filtering. It is easy to understand for any user, whether a first-time user or a novice. The principle involves air movement into the air purifier, where a built-in screen is located to act as a filter. It’s responsible for trapping particles such as dirt, dust, strong odors and harmful chemicals, bacteria, and gases. These particulates are a health hazard, make the environment unsafe for living, and contribute to poor quality air.

The built-in screen or filter screen is divided into gaseous pollutant and particulate filter screens. The particulate screen is further sectioned into two: the coarse effect filter screen and the fine particulate filter screen. The screens are majorly for filtration and affect the air in different ways. The screen quality influences the levels of air purification in that high-quality screens to remove the most pollutants compared to low-quality ones. This principle is also affected by the location of air cleaners and how the indoor space is set up.

2. Electrostatic Purification Principle

Like the electrostatic air purifiers with no filters or screens, this principle involves air purification without physical filters to trap particles. It involves the ionizing of gas into dust using a high voltage electrostatic field. The dust particles are produced, and electrodes present in the unit adsorb and facilitate the flow of air and trap particles. Air purifiers applying this principle easily control the level of noise because of the low wind resistance.

In addition, regular cleaning of the units responsible for dust collection is done without worrying about their replacements. On the downside, this working principle is associated with excessive ozone emissions, which are harmful to your health. Electrostatic purification consists of several technologies like low-temperature plasma technology, negative ion technology, hydrated ion, and much more.

Final Word

The principles above are the main working principles for air purifiers. However, several specifications have come up which are yet to be classified; hence the two still stand. The purifiers work to filter out pollutants within the air to create a free and safe environment for everyone.


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